Tuesday 28 April 2009

play day with a little work!

Well today I am staying at home as the weather isnt very nice outside and I have no car to go out anywhere. So I am using the time at home to play with my little boy. I love being able to spend so much time with him and watching how much he is growing up everyday. His favourite toys at the moment are his talking igglepiggle an his jumperoo. He also loves playing with his new books (that's not my car and that's not my teddy) both from the Usborne range of touchy feely books. They are fab and he loves feeling the different textures in them!!
Once he goes down for his afternoon nap I will use that time for some work. The plan for today is to phone round some nurseries and ask if they would like me o help them get free books. I am currently already helping a local church kids club to do this and am going to help a toddler group aswell next month. I am hoping to help lots of groups get free books as they are so important for childrens learning and developement and why should these organisations pay for them when they can get them FREE?????
For more info on getting free books email me at emacneil.books@hotmail.co.uk
In the mean time I'm off to play again!!

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